
The following publications and key policies are available on request from Sapphire Independent Housing Head Office or can be downloaded from below.

Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code self-assessment

In March 2022, the Housing Ombudsman published a new Complaint Handling Code, which supports landlords to resolve complaints raised by their residents quickly and to use the learning from complaints to drive service improvements. Landlords have been asked to self-assess against the Code and publish the results.

Sapphire is committed to compliance with the Code; the following self-assessment reflects a complaint policy updated in September 2022, that will be published in October 2022.

Complaints policy

Please click here for our complaints policy.

The simplest and quickest way to resolve a problem is to raise it with the relevant staff member. If you feel the matter has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you may invoke the formal procedure which consists of the following timescales below.