Conway House Training and Resource Centre (TRC)

The front entrance to the TRCInside the TRC

The Training Resource Centre (TRC) provides an environment where residents can increase their skills and experience in a number of areas. Staff provide basic coaching in IT, help with writing CV's and completing on line job searches and applications.

Residents can also participate in practical classes including computer skills, maths classes, Tai chi and learning about healthy eating on a budget and cooking meals as a group.

As part of confidence training, residents are encouraged to engage in meaningful use of time and TRC staff organise and lead on local trips. Recently, residents have participated in a group walking tour of Arsenal Stadium and the National History Museum’.

Current Course Table:

Monday: Film club in the TRC 4pm-6pm

Red and Green Choir (fortnightly) 6:30pm-8pm

Tuesday: Ping Pong competitions 2pm-4pm

Wednesday: ETE Drop-in 11am-12pm

FEAST volunteers cooking a meal for residents 6pm-8pm

Thursday: CGL drop-in 10am-2pm with breakfast, teas, and coffees.

Managers drop-in session once a month.

Friday: Computer classes 2pm-4pm

If you would like to speak to someone in regards to any of the current courses at the TRC please contact Sarah Wynbourne or at

TRC brochure